Irish begrudgery at its finest. They are the best thing to happen to the Irish music scene for decades. Grian's singing voice does not sound working class imo, just a normal dub accent. You dont have to be living in the flats or have a tough upbringing to be able to sing about what Ireland and Dublin City means to you. FFS you sound like a hipster. Get over yourself and enjoy the music. Listen to their new releases from Skinty Fia, fucking brilliant.

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They never pretended to be Dubs in any interview I ever saw or read.

Your issue would be it appears to have, as per what you have written here, more to do with your own first impression of the band and the disappointment you had and continue to have upon realising they're not Dubs.

I too thought they were Dubs, but on my very first look into who these guys were, it was clear they were not Dubs. Nothing was being hidden. No one being deceived.

As the other commenter on here, Moe says, this piece is little more than begrudgery. Entertainingly so, as I laughed a few times at the begrudgery peppered around the less emotional and more interesting points.

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where can we hear your music?

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